Five Books to Level Up Your Storytelling

Writers and good books go together like milk and cookies. And a good book can take a writer from "pretty good" to being "a hole in one!" Here are five books for storytellers to help you up your game. Pick one up, grab a plate of cookies, and take some time to hone your skills!


How to Grow a Novel

The Most Common Mistakes Writers Make and How to Overcome Them

"This book, like no other writing book, takes the reader behind the scenes of the publishing business as it affects writers of every level of experience, revealing the hard truths that are kept behind shut doors."

Outlining Your Novel Workbook

Step-by-Step Exercises for Planning Your Best Book

"This accessible and streamlined workbook will empower you to create a powerful outline-and an outstanding novel. Start writing your best book today!"

Writing the Natural Way

"This book has shown hundreds of thousands of readers how to turn the task of writing into the joy of writing. Completely revised, newly illustrated, and with a wealth of updated, field-tested exercises, this popular classic will help unlock natural writing styles and storytelling abilities."

On Writing Fiction

Rethinking Conventional Wisdom About the Craft

"In one thought-provoking essay after another, Jauss sorts through unique fiction-writing conundrums, including how to create those exquisite intersections between truth and fabrication that make all great works of fiction so much more resonant than fiction that follows the "write what you know" approach that's so often used."

The Artful Edit

On the Practice of Editing Yourself

"Much more than a manual, The Artful Edit inspires readers to think about both the discipline and the creativity of editing and how it can enhance their work. In the computer age of lightning-quick composition, this book reminds readers that editing is not simply a spell-check."